Introduction to light scattering  

LEARNING OUTCOMES Electromagnetic Scattering and Absorption" is the first advanced course on elastic electromagnetic scattering by arbitrary objects (usually called particles). As compared to the wavelength, the sizes of the objects can be small or large, or of the order of the wavelength. As to the shape of the objects, the main emphasis is on spherical particles and, subsequently, on the so-called Mie scattering. The optical properties of the objects are typically described by the refractive index. During the course, the student will become familiar with the concepts of electromagnetic scattering and will learn how to use existing computer codes in astronomical and atmospheric applications. CONTENT Introduction to light scattering (electromagnetic scattering) is the first advanced course on elastic light scattering by arbitrary objects (usually called particles). As compared to the wavelength, the sizes of the objects can be small or large, or of the same order. As to the shape of the objects, the main emphasis is on spherical particles and, consequently, on Mie scattering. The optical properties of the objects are typically described by the refractive index. During the course, the student becomes familiar with the concepts of light scattering, learns how to use existing computer codes in astronomical and atmospheric applications, and completes a hands-on computer programming project (for example, involving ray tracing).
Introduction to light scattering

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